How to securely encrypt data in Javascript with NaCl high level library

Authmane Terki
1 min readOct 27, 2018



In this tutorial, I will show you how you can encrypt or decrypt data in Javascript with TweetNaCl.js. It is a port of NaCl (Networking and Cryptography library) to Javascript. We’ll also see how to store the encrypted data in files.

To install TweetNaCl, do the following:

npm install tweetnacl

We also need tweetnacl-util to encode/decode in UTF-8 and Base64:

npm install tweetnacl-util

Note that tweetnacl-util is bad, they reversed names of functions to encode and decode UTF8…

Unfortunately, this port of NaCl don’t provide a key derivation function, so we’ll use scryptsy :

npm install scryptsy



Thanks for reading!



Authmane Terki
Authmane Terki

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